What Is A Concrete Saw and How Does It Work?

What is a concrete saw? A concrete saw is simply a special power tool that’s used to cut through concrete slabs, walls and other solid structures like masonry, brick and asphalt.

A concrete saw can also be referred to as a con-saw, asphalt saw, cut-off saw, quick-cut saw or a slab saw. Currently, there are many different variations of concrete saws you can find on the market.

They range from small hand-held concrete saws used in small-scale building projects to large pushable concrete saws used in big construction projects.

Concrete saws can also be categorised according to their shape, style, design and functionality. It’s important to learn all you can about concrete saws before making a decision to buy one or even hire one.

What Powers A Concrete Saw

As mentioned above, a concrete saw is a power tool, which means that it relies on some form of power source to function.

Most concrete saws are powered by either gasoline, hydraulic pressure, pneumatic or electric motor engines.

The respective engine powers the saw which in turn rotates a special blade that cuts the concrete. There is a special type of blade used to cut concrete known as a diamond blade.

A diamond blade is suitable for cutting concrete as it is very strong and is capable of cutting through steel bars. It is common for concrete blocks used in construction to be reinforced with steel bars.

For this reason, a strong and durable blade must be used to cut through reinforced concrete or concrete with rebar.

Friction During Cutting

As you can expect, there is a lot of friction that’s produced when cutting through concrete.

This friction force can make cutting very difficult and that’s why most concrete saws need to be lubricated during the cutting process.

Failure to cool and lubricate a saw and it’s blade during occurring can lead to excess production of heat, rapid wear and tear of the blade, unnecessary cracking of the concrete block, and damage to the saw itself.

Cooling and lubrication are therefore an essential part of any concrete cutting process.

Choices of Blade

There are many different types of diamond blades you can use with your concrete saw.

Depending on the construction project you are working on, you may choose a blade based on features such as diameter, saw size, arbour size, blade quality and many others.

There are other factors you should also consider when choosing a diamond blade for your saw.

Dry Cutting or Wet Cutting

As already mentioned, most concrete saws need to be constantly cooled and lubricated during cutting in order to maximise efficiency.

However, there are cases where lubrication may not be necessary such as when a person is making small or shallow cuts on concrete blocks.

This form of cutting where no lubrication is needed is known as dry cutting. Both wet and dry cutting techniques can affect the choice of blade you choose for your saw.

Therefore, you should determine what type of cutting you will be doing before choosing a blade.

Blade Compatibility With Saw and Material

Some diamond blades are only compatible with certain brands and types of concrete saws.

It’s important to establish which range and type of diamond blades your concrete saw is compatible with before making a purchase.

Also, the blade you choose should be compatible with the material you are cutting. A concrete saw can be used to cut through different types of solid structures like concrete and asphalt.

You should ensure that the features of the blade you choose match those of the material you intend to cut.

Lastly, working with a concrete saw may expose you to numerous safety risks and hazards. It’s important to talk to a trained professional before using a concrete saw.

It’s also important to follow all safety information provided by the saw manufacturer for a smooth cutting experience.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Tips For Performing Safe and Efficient Concrete Cutting Jobs

Do you know what it takes to perform a perfect or flawless concrete cutting job? If not don’t worry, you are not alone.

There are many people out there, including seasoned construction experts, who don’t how to make clear and precise cuts using a concrete saw.

It’s by no means an easy task so don’t worry if you’re not sure how to do it.

There are many situations where you might find yourself needing to cut concrete.

For instance, you may have issues with the foundations of your home, or you may need to remove excess concrete blocks or extend your patio or access some drain pipes.

First Step Is Finding The Right Concrete Saw

Before you can begin cutting anything, you must establish which tool you are going to use. Conventionally, concrete saws are the best tools to cut through concrete blocks and slabs.

However, there are many different types of concrete saws out there today.

One saw may be perfect for a certain project you are working on today while the same saw may be completely useless for another cutting job you find yourself doing tomorrow.

It’s always advisable to do some due diligence when buying or renting a saw for a project.

Randomly choosing a saw can be the worst mistake you can make as it can lead to serious and permanent damage to the material you are cutting.

Worse still, you can also injure yourself while cutting because of using the wrong saw.

Decide on Whether To Use A Hand-held or Walk-Behind Saw

If you are engaged in a big concrete cutting job, it’s highly recommended that you go with heavy-duty walk-behind concrete saws.

Some of the jobs in this category include cutting through entire walls, floors and concrete slabs.

Walk-behind saws are not only more efficient for this type of task, they are also safer for the operator.

On the other hand, hand-held saws are better suited for smaller concrete structures that require professional customisation.

You can use hand-held concrete saws to make sharp cuts and clean rough corners. These saws are compact in size which makes them easy to handle.

An operator can maneuver easily through tight corners and spaces using these saws.

Choose The Right Blade

Diamond blades or diamond drills are used to cut concrete through concrete structures with the help of concrete saws.

Diamond blades are very strong and often require lubrication for them to perform clean and precise cuts.

It’s very important to attach a quality diamond blade to your concrete saw if you wish to undertake a safe and efficient concrete cutting job. Remember, it’s the blade that does the actual cutting.

The lubricant (water) is usually sprayed on the blade continuously during cutting to minimise friction.

It’s important to ensure that your diamond blade is sufficiently lubricated throughout the cutting process.

Sharpen Your Blade Regularly

Just like a knife, a concrete saw blade needs to be sharpened as often as possible in order to maximise the efficiency of the tool.

If the blade isn’t sharp enough, cutting through concrete structures will be a difficult and time-consuming task. Many times, blunt blades break during cutting.

This sudden breakage can damage the saw, break the concrete structure being cut or injure the operator.

Using a blunt diamond blade can also cause excess heat and dust to be produced during cutting. This can reduce the efficiency of your project and also put you at risk.

Match Your Tools To The Task At Hand

There is no single blade that can perform all the different types of concrete cutting jobs out there. You need to choose a specific blade for each individual job you undertake.

It’s important to match both your saw and blade to the job or task you are undertaking. This way you can maximise your efficiency and ensure your safety at the same time.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Important Tips For Cutting Concrete Safely

Are you planning to cut concrete with a concrete saw? Are you aware of the safety measures when cutting concrete? Please continue reading for some important safety information.

If you are involved in any type of construction work in Australia, you know the importance of concrete in the industry.

With over $20-billion worth of construction work being done every month, the industry has never been as busy as it is today.

Due to the work overload in the industry, there is a high demand to do as much as you can as fast as possible.

This means a lot of short cuts are taken when cutting concrete. If the short cut is unsafe, you may experience disastrous consequences in the process.

That’s why you need to follow safety tips when cutting concrete including the following:

  • Follow The Local Standards
  • Check The Concrete Saw For Safety
  • Wear Safety Gear
  • Check The Blade
  • Keep The Air Clean

Follow The Local Standards

Local safety standards may change constantly. You should be aware of the latest safety standards in your locality.

You can’t expect the workers to abide by the safety standards in the area if they are not aware of the rules.

You should always check with the local authorities for the latest updates to the safety standards for concrete cutting.

If there any updates, make sure to inform all workers of the latest updates. This is important so you aren’t exposed to fines for not abiding by the safety standards in the construction industry.

Check The Concrete Saw For Safety

Make sure the concrete saw is in good condition before you decide to use it. A dull or damaged saw can injure your workers. The power cord and water pump of the saw should also be in good order.

Don’t forget to double-check the water tank before anyone uses the saw. Check the handle and guards for any signs of wear or damage.

If you find any signs of damage or wear, make sure to keep the saw away from workers and have these replaced immediately.

Wear Safety Gear

Every construction worker should have the right safety gear and equipment to protect themselves from injuries.

This is one of the most important things to do to when running a safe construction workplace.

Ensuring the protection of your workers is part of your job as a contractor, site manager or supervisor.

Long pants, protective garments, and safety boots are some of the most important safety gear you need to protect yourself when engaged in concrete cutting.

Don’t forget to wear eye goggles to protect your eyes from sharp objects when cutting concrete.

Concrete cutting involves a lot of water. Boots with weak treads are not the best for construction workers as this may cause the worker to slip and fall.

Masks and face shields are important for people who are working in the cutting area. Ear protection equipment is also important because concrete cutting involves a lot of noise.

Check The Blade

Concrete saws use diamond blades. The blade should be the right size depending on the concrete saw you use and should be sharp enough to cut the concrete.

Diamond blades come in different sizes and shapes for various purposes. If the blade vibrates too much when you switch on the machine, stop the machine and inspect the blade.

This is important to guarantee the safety of the workers on your construction site.

Keep The Air Clean

Make sure all workers have the necessary respiratory equipment in place when cutting concrete blocks.

Although water will flow over the diamond blade to reduce concrete dust, eliminating all the dust isn’t totally possible.

Where possible, you should encourage wet cuts to keep the air clean and reduce the concrete dust.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Drilling and Sawing Concrete – Best Practice Tips

Concrete is the primary material for most building and construction projects. Working with concrete can often get challenging, especially when you want to cut, drill, or saw it for modifications.

Knowing the right time to drill and saw-cut concrete is key to the success of such projects. So, when do such contractors know when to drill or saw concrete?

Let’s look at the details of concrete sawing and drilling and when to execute them:

Concrete Drilling

Core drilling is an essential procedure whenever accurate, circular diameter cuts are required. Drilling achieves up to 60” in diameter for holes, which can virtually be drilled to any depth.

Concrete drilling is typical in plumbing, HVAC, and electrical installations. One may ask what the best time for drilling concrete is. Well, concrete should be left to cure at least 60% before drilling.

This means waiting at least 3 days before any drilling. Typical applications that necessitate concrete drilling include:

  • Construction of sewer and floor drains
  • Sewer tie-ins
  • Electrical, phone, fibre optic, and cable openings
  • HVAC openings
  • Anchor holes and handrails
  • Aggregate analysis

Concrete drilling is achieved using a wet process. As such, concrete blocks, asphalt, solid concrete, and brick can all be core drilled to achieve the desired results.

Given the application of concrete drilling, walls and floors are the most common structures in core drilling.

Concrete Sawing

There are various ways in which concrete sawing is done, including asphalt sawing and flat sawing.

Concrete asphalt sawing is essential in replacing perimeter areas to replace damaged parts and provide clean edges for an improved appearance of the perimeter.

Concrete flat sawing, on the other hand, is a diamond cutting method that involves a diamond blade mounted on a machine.

Such machines are walk-behind machines and can be controlled by one operator. Concrete sawing is vital in creating control joints in concrete.

These joints help control the cracking of concrete due to shrinkage. So, when is the right time to saw your concrete?

Sawing should occur when concrete has gained sufficient strength, but just before internal cracking starts.

Generally, when to saw-cut concrete depends on the concrete mixture, weather conditions, and the type of cutting equipment to be used.

Sawing too early creates a mess and weakened edges of the concrete and may also cause wear on the saw blades.

On the other hand, sawing too late may result in uncontrolled cracking due to contracting during curing.

Given the weather conditions, concrete sawing can begin 4-12 hours after the concrete is poured. During the hot weather, sawing can be done as soon as 4 hours after pouring the concrete.

In the cooler weather, it may be done after 12 hours have elapsed, and when there is probably no ravelling on the concrete.

Typical applications of concrete sawing include:

  • Cutting control and expansion joints
  • Cutting reinforced floors
  • Removing damaged concrete and asphalt sections
  • Cleaning and preparing cracks for repair
  • Trenching

Tips For Effective Concrete Drilling and Sawing

1. Use the Right Equipment

The right equipment for drilling and sawing will give you the best results. Core saws, core drills, and wall saws will give you the best cuts and accurate holes when used properly.

2. Use the Tools Right

When concrete cutting or drilling, applying excessive force on the drills may have undesirable results. Improper use of these tools may cause damage to the walls and equipment.

3. Layout Your Cuts

Laying out all the cuts helps you locate the right position to place your equipment before cutting or drilling. This helps you make accurate cuts and minimise damage to the walls or floors.

4. Protect Yourself

When cutting or drilling concrete, it is important to keep yourself safe from the debris and dust generated by these processes. A set of goggles and a dust mask will help protect you from dust and concrete bits.

Concrete drilling and sawing are important in construction as they help in making drains and control joints in concrete.

Concrete drilling should be done between 3-7 days after pouring concrete while sawing can be done between 4 and 12 hours of concrete pouring depending on the weather conditions.

As we can see, there are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Safety Precautions When Cutting Concrete Indoors

Sawing concrete is hazardous no matter what method is used. Training, supervision and safety precautions are therefore crucial when cutting concrete indoors.

Some of the hazards that are associated with concrete cutting and need to be taken into account include:

  • Inhaling silica dust
  • Exhaust fumes that are toxic
  • Kickback, pull-back or pull-in from working with equipment that exerts great force
  • Working in confined spaces
  • Structural collapses
  • Noise pollution
  • Equipment malfunctions, damage and fractures
  • Hazards associated with working in a construction environment

Standard safety precautions outlined by the OSHA Code of Practice to lower the risk of any of these hazards occurring include:

1. Safety Gear

All persons working in concrete cutting and drilling are required to wear and use personal protective clothing and equipment. The standard safety gear should include the following:

  • Safety helmet or hardhat
  • Protective footwear
  • Safety goggles and/or a face shield
  • Respiratory protection to protect against dust and/or exhaust fumes
  • Safety gloves to protect the hands and improve grip
  • Earplugs or earmuffs to protect hearing

In addition, workers must be required to tie back long hair and beards as well as to avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing and remove all jewellery.

Safety gear should meet with the required OSHA safety standards.

2. Equipment Handling And Storage

Equipment should be handled according to the manufacturer’s instructions and not be used in any way that it is not intended.

Manufacturers are required to provide detailed instruction manuals for the handling and use of concrete cutting equipment.

Any person using the equipment should receive adequate training and practise with the equipment – especially before handling the equipment in an indoor environment.

Equipment should be stored according to manufacturer’s instructions and locked away out of harms way when not in use.

Saw blades should be removed and the equipment detached from a power supply before storage.

Equipment should be checked for damage or any problems that could affect the operation or be hazardous when it is removed from storage.

3. Identifying Hazards And Assessing And Controlling Risks

Identifying any hazards that may exist before concrete cutting begins can help reduce or eliminate the risks.

There are 27 hazards that have been identified and included in the Code of Practice for masonry and concrete cutting.

However, other risks, especially those that are associated with indoor masonry cutting, should also be taken into account.

Once a hazard has been identified, it is necessary to determine the risk of injury or safety that it poses. Measures should then be taken to control the risk.

Eliminating the risk or hazards entirely is preferable to reducing the risk that a specific hazard poses.

4. Implementing Safety Procedures

Safety procedures should be developed and enforced that put in place control measures to eliminate risks and hazards.

These procedures should be reviewed and updated regularly at regular health and safety meetings.

The outcome of these meetings should be communicated to every person involved in a project involving masonry or concrete cutting.

Detailed records should be kept of maintenance and repairs to equipment. Any hazards that have been identified as well as the measures that have been taken to control the risks should be recorded.

A record of injuries that were sustained and how they were caused also needs to be recorded.

It is also critical to select a person who is ultimately responsible for developing and implementing safety procedures as well as ensuring that adequate training is provided for the use of equipment.

It is important to note that this is just an outline of the hazards, risks and safety precautions that should be taken when cutting concrete indoors.

As we can see, there are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

What Is The Procedure For Concrete Core Drilling?

Are you in the concrete cutting industry? Do you want to learn about procedures for concrete core drilling? If so, please keep reading for more information.

Core drilling is an essential task for virtually all concrete structures at some point.

Whether you want to pull a sample of concrete for testing purposes, drill an opening for manholes or install electrical and plumbing lines, core drilling is important.

Core drilling should be performed only by highly skilled and experienced concrete cutting technicians. Such technicians can provide safe and quality work.

In this article, we will take a look at the following:

  • Basics Of Concrete Core Drilling
  • Concrete Drill Types
  • Choosing The Best Concrete Drilling Service

Basics Of Concrete Core Drilling

Concrete drilling is a specialised service offered by concrete cutting companies. A cylinder of concrete material or a core is removed with a concrete drill.

Diamond core drills are the most effective tools to use when core drilling concrete. Core drilling is common when installing common utilities such as:

  • Recessed lighting and fixtures
  • Cutting walls, floor slabs, and ceilings for plumbing, HVAC, cabling, electrical, and communication services
  • Analyse concrete samples
  • Roadway holes for doweling drilling, drainage, or rebar tie-ins

The concrete cutting technician will use a small threaded anchor to secure the drill post to the wall or concrete slab. He will then bolt the drill post – which acts as a guide for the core drilling process.

This will let the drill hit its mark straight on and make a consistent and smooth core. Once the drill post is fastened, the technician will mount the drill bit.

The drill bit will depend on the size the client specifies. Once the drill bit is mounted, the drill is turned on. Water will be applied as a coolant while pressure is placed on the crank.

The core drill has a hand crank to drive the drill to the surface and cut through the concrete. Once the surface is penetrated, the core will come out with the bit.

You can pull out the core manually if it is found in a slab.

Concrete Drill Types

There are two types of core drills such as impact and non-impact core drills. Impact drills have two sub-types such as hammer drills and rotary hammers.

A hammer drill is a small tool equipped with a bit that drills into the concrete. The hammer drill has a ramped ratchet system with a high-speed vibration or rattling action.

Regular bits are not the best to use with hammer drills because they can easily break under repeated impact conditions.

Even though rotary drills are similar to hammer drills, they are more efficient. A rotary drill can drill up to 100mm diameter. A hammer drill can only drill up to 12mm compared to a rotary drill.

You need a non-impact drill if you want to drill larger holes – up to 250mm. A non-impact drill has diamond teeth.

Because these drills don’t impact the drilling surface, the drill bit needs to be exceptionally strong. Drilling with a diamond-embedded drill is quite complex.

Frictional grinding can generate a lot of heat in the process. That’s why you need a professional concrete cutting service to perform such tasks.

Choosing The Best Concrete Drilling Service

With dozens of concrete cutting services in Melbourne, choosing the right company isn’t easy. Your research is important when choosing the right concrete cutting service for concrete drilling.

There are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Read This If you Are Considering Concrete Wet Cutting

Is it best to cut concrete using the wet or dry method? If you aren’t sure which method is best, please continue reading below.

When cutting concrete, it is possible to do so while using dry and wet cutting methods. While most have heard of the former, the latter is a much better choice.

Here are 6 pointers to keep in mind while using water to cut concrete.

1. Controlling Dust

In case you were unaware, harmful silica dust is released into the air when concrete is being cut.

While there is no way to eliminate this completely, you can significantly reduce the amount you are exposed to by using wet cutting methods.

There has been research conducted and it has shown that using water reduces dust by as much as 85%.

This means that it will have less opportunity to become airborne and settle on various surfaces or worse still, being inhaled.

2. Cooling Saw Blades

When you are sawing through concrete, it is common for the blades of the saw to become rather hot.

Not only can this have an effect on the precision of the cuts, but it can be dangerous to the person doing the cutting.

One of the main reasons for this is the fact that a blade that has become too hot has the possibility of breaking during the cutting process.

Flying blades can harm the one who is doing the cutting as well as anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in close range.

The way in which water helps with the precision of the cut is actually quite simple. When blades get overly hot, it is common for people to take frequent breaks to allow it to cool down.

As a result, they lose their rhythm and end up making cuts that are not consistent with others.

3. It Is Messy

One thing that cannot be disputed is the fact that wet cutting is far messier than its dry counterpart.

While you may not have to worry about all type of dust particles in the air, it will be necessary to prepare to clean a large mess once you are done with your cutting project.

In many cases, people use old fabric as a dropcloth when they are using wet cutting methods. This will make it much easier to clean up after yourself once the project is complete.

4. Experience Needed

If you are someone who does not have a great deal of experience, it may be in your best interest to hire a professional for this task.

While you can probably save a good amount of money by attempting this on your own, this is a huge risk that you should not be willing to take.

To be on the safe side, you should hire a professional to get the job done.

While you will have to pay for this service, it is a small price to pay in exchange for the fact that you will not be hurt while trying to handle a task that is beyond your capabilities.

5. Less Taxing

Wet saws are different from dry ones because they are not meant to be held in the hand while getting the job done.

This means that there is less stress and strain on the person who is doing all of the cutting.

If you are in a position where you are required to cut concrete for a large part of the day, this can make things more bearable.

Now that you know more about wet cutting, it is your responsibility to determine whether this is something that will help you when trying to cut concrete.

If so, then you need to consider all of these points if you want are interested in less mess, more safety and increased precision.

The best way to cut concrete indoors is to hire a professional concrete cutting service.

With dozens of concrete cutting services operating in Melbourne, choosing the right service for your project may not be easy.

There are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

What Is The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors?

Do you need to cut concrete in your home or yard for whatever reason? Did you know that indoor concrete cutting is much more different from cutting concrete outdoors? Please continue reading to learn more.

When cutting concrete indoors, it’s vitally important to take into consideration the limited spaces and cluttered areas around you.

It’s critical that you also follow the appropriate safety procedures to protect yourself as well as the dwellers in the building.

Most importantly above all things, the area should have proper ventilation before you start the cutting project.

For that extra level of comfort, you really should hire a professional concrete cutting service for such a project. However, if you decide to take the DIY route, here are some tips to consider.

  • Proper Ventilation
  • Right Tools
  • Right Safety Equipment
  • Wet Cutting Method
  • The Vacuum System
  • The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors

Proper Ventilation

Ventilation is very important when preparing your indoor space for concrete cutting. It can make the difference between a safe work environment and a hazardous one.

You should make sure that there is proper aeration available when working in a confined space.

Right Tools

You need to choose the right tools when cutting concrete in enclosed spaces. This will ensure that accidents are kept to a minimum.

With the latest technological developments in the industry, you can easily find the appropriate cutting tools to work in confined spaces. These tools will let you work comfortably even in confined spaces.

You should also use a vacuum or water for dust suppression when working in restricted indoor spaces.

Right Safety Equipment

Apart from taking care of the working environment, you need to protect yourself and take care of your health when cutting concrete indoors.

Continuous exposure to concrete dust can result in various respiratory illnesses. If your skin comes into contact with wet concrete this may lead to skin rashes, burns, and irritations.

If concrete pieces come into contact with your eyes, it may require immediate medical intervention. That’s why you need to use the right safety gear to protect yourself from such things.

A dust mask, safety goggles, thick gloves, thick clothes, and boots are important to protect yourself when cutting concrete indoors.

Wet Cutting Method

The wet cutting process is a safe and cost-effective method of cutting indoor concrete slabs.

However, you need to consider water damage to indoor surfaces when you use this method to cut concrete in your home or office.

Use preventive measures and sheeting to ensure protection to the indoor areas when using the wet cutting method to cut indoor concrete.

The Vacuum System

The vacuum system is another effective process of cutting indoor concrete and preventing the dust from being airborne and affecting your health and well-being.

The vacuum system directly attaches to a hydraulic chain saw to use this method successfully. This system is ideal for collecting the slurry resulting from the wet concrete cutting method.

The concrete slurry will be collected in a secure tank – which can easily be rolled around on the job site.

Today, there are advanced vacuum systems with attached floor squeezers mounted on the tank for ease of use.

The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors

The best way to cut concrete indoors is to hire a professional concrete cutting service.

With dozens of concrete cutting services operating in Melbourne, choosing the right service for your project may not be easy.

There are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Do Australian Concrete Cutting Methods Vary From European Methods?

Are you searching for a reliable concrete cutting service in Australia? Are you wondering whether Australian concrete cutting methods vary from European methods? If so, read more below.

The simple answer to the question above is that the concrete cutting methods in Australia or Europe are virtually the same.

However, if you are in Australia, you still need to make sure you work with a reliable concrete cutting service when you have a concrete cutting project to get the best possible results.

Concrete is a versatile and durable construction material. It’s used in the construction industry across the globe.

Contractors use different methods when they are faced with the need to cut concrete for whatever reason.

You should have a working knowledge of the different concrete cutting methods across the globe when embarking upon a concrete cutting project.

This article highlights some of the most effective concrete cutting methods in Australia as well as Europe.

  • Diamond Sawing
  • Flat Sawing
  • Wall Sawing
  • Core Drilling
  • Wire Sawing

Diamond Sawing

Diamond saws are more precise and much faster compared to most of the other concrete cutting methods. This method needs fewer operators and can cut rebar and other metals.

Diamond saws don’t vibrate and create a lot of noise like other concrete cutting methods. These tools are less likely to damage the adjoining concrete surface when cutting concrete.

However, diamond sawing should be performed by a professional concrete cutting contractor. You should rely on an experienced contractor for this purpose.

Flat Sawing

Flat sawing is a process that’s used to cut flat concrete surfaces such as floors and pavement. That’s why flat sawing is also known as slab sawing.

The saws are mounted on a cart that the contractor pushes from behind. Flat sawing is most often used to access wiring and broken pipes below a concrete floor.

It is also used to patch a road or highway and cut plumbing trenches.

Wall Sawing

Wall sawing is done with a circular blade on a track-mounted machine. The track allows the saw to cut ceilings and climb walls.

Wall sawing is used to cut concrete walls that are more than 16 inches thick however, it isn’t suitable to cut concrete walls that are 36 inches thick.

Wall sawing is not the best DIY project because it is difficult and requires expertise.

Core Drilling

Core drilling is important to make precise circular holes to create openings for pipes, heating, and electrical wires. It is also used to cut holes for air-conditioning or ventilating vents to fit through.

Core drilling can also be used for taking concrete samples. A core drill is a steel tube with diamond-tipped bits. These tools can be operated at any angle including vertically or horizontally.

Wire Sawing

Wire sawing is usually reserved for much larger concrete cutting projects. It is used when every other method fails.

Wire saws are made using multistrand cables including small diamond segments threaded through pulleys that are attached to a drive wheel (powered by hydraulics).

When the saw operates, the wire will spin around and the hydraulic power unit will pull on the cable.

Final Thoughts

When you need to have some concrete cut, you should always rely on a professional and experienced concrete cutting service to handle the job.

If you are searching for the best concrete cutting service in Melbourne, there are many factors to consider before choosing the right contractor for the project.

Your research is important in this regard. Check the reputation, expertise, credentials, technology, and customer feedback of the potential cutting service before choosing the best one for the job.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Using A Ring Saw For Cutting Through Walls

Do you have concrete walls that need to be cut through to install a window or air conditioner? Continue reading to learn why ring saws are the best option for this tricky task.

Cutting through concrete walls is never easy, especially internal walls as space is restricted and special tools are needed to cut through thick walls.

A ring saw is a type of saw that is specifically designed for cutting in confined spaces because its a handheld saw.

Another advantage of using a ring saw for cutting through concrete walls is that these cut with precision which means there is overcutting to the concrete surface and less damage caused.

What Makes a Ring Saw Different?

A ring saw is a variant of a band saw but the major difference is that it has a circular band instead of a flexible and oblong-shaped band.

Another major difference is that the blade is abrasive and it does not have teeth like the blade of a band saw.

The circular shape prevents bending due to the constant radius. It doesn’t have a spindle and it spins around an arbour with the help of a roller system.

It doesn’t vibrate like other saws and that is the reason it’s able to cut so precisely. A major advantage of a ring saw is that they can cut much deeper compared to other types of saws.

It is typically used for creating openings through concrete or brick walls which are then used for creating ventilation spaces, windows and doors among other things.

Following is a list of benefits that come with using a ring saw to cut a hole in just about any type of concrete wall.

Precise Cuts

Ring saws offer precise cutting due to the manner in which they operate. With a ring saw, the blade spins in a circle providing a consistent cutting motion.

With other saws, the blades tend to vibrate and that not only wears out the teeth quicker but also leads to chips and abrasions.

Because a ring saw is a handheld saw, it makes cutting more precisely a lot easier. Cutting corners or making right-angled cuts is much easier with a ring saw.

Deeper Cuts

The ring saw is preferred for cutting through walls as it can make deeper cuts that are difficult to make with other types of saws.

With a ring saw, you can cut at least 275 millimetres and since walls can be through both sides, you get at least 550 mm of cutting depth which is difficult to achieve with other types of saws.

Simply put, it is an efficient cutting tool for brick or concrete walls without any issues.


As a ring saw spins and doesn’t vibrate, the blade doesn’t wear out as quickly as is the case with other saws. It makes the ring saw more durable and also makes for cleaner cuts.


Ring saws are a handheld saw which means it is portable and can be used in any place which is not really possible with other types of saws.

This makes them ideal for use in confined spaces which is typically the case with cutting through walls.

Low Noise and No Vibration

Ring saws produce much less noise in comparison and they are also vibration-free which makes them ideal for use in confined spaces.

These saws are also faster compared to other saws which results in better productivity.

Another benefit of working with a ring saw is that water is used for cooling down the blade which leads to less concrete dust when cutting through concrete walls.

Simply put, it’s a cleaner method of concrete cutting.

Choosing a Blade for a Ring Saw

Many different types of blades are available for use with a ring saw but it’s important to choose the right one in order to get the best value for your money.

For example, abrasive blades offer precise cuts but also get very hot quickly. In case you need to run the saw for a longer period of time, you should look fora different type of blade.

Experts recommend using diamond blades as these blades have small diamonds on the edge. Diamond is the hardest material known to man and offers sharp, strong and clean cuts.


Overall, a ring saw offers the best value for money when it comes to cutting through walls and other smaller projects due to its precision and affordability.

Ring saws are capable of handling a variety of materials including thick concrete as well as granite and other materials.

Don’t forget to follow the safety instructions as these powerful machines are capable of causing serious damage.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

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