What Is The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors?

Do you need to cut concrete in your home or yard for whatever reason? Did you know that indoor concrete cutting is much more different from cutting concrete outdoors? Please continue reading to learn more.

When cutting concrete indoors, it’s vitally important to take into consideration the limited spaces and cluttered areas around you.

It’s critical that you also follow the appropriate safety procedures to protect yourself as well as the dwellers in the building.

Most importantly above all things, the area should have proper ventilation before you start the cutting project.

For that extra level of comfort, you really should hire a professional concrete cutting service for such a project. However, if you decide to take the DIY route, here are some tips to consider.

  • Proper Ventilation
  • Right Tools
  • Right Safety Equipment
  • Wet Cutting Method
  • The Vacuum System
  • The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors

Proper Ventilation

Ventilation is very important when preparing your indoor space for concrete cutting. It can make the difference between a safe work environment and a hazardous one.

You should make sure that there is proper aeration available when working in a confined space.

Right Tools

You need to choose the right tools when cutting concrete in enclosed spaces. This will ensure that accidents are kept to a minimum.

With the latest technological developments in the industry, you can easily find the appropriate cutting tools to work in confined spaces. These tools will let you work comfortably even in confined spaces.

You should also use a vacuum or water for dust suppression when working in restricted indoor spaces.

Right Safety Equipment

Apart from taking care of the working environment, you need to protect yourself and take care of your health when cutting concrete indoors.

Continuous exposure to concrete dust can result in various respiratory illnesses. If your skin comes into contact with wet concrete this may lead to skin rashes, burns, and irritations.

If concrete pieces come into contact with your eyes, it may require immediate medical intervention. That’s why you need to use the right safety gear to protect yourself from such things.

A dust mask, safety goggles, thick gloves, thick clothes, and boots are important to protect yourself when cutting concrete indoors.

Wet Cutting Method

The wet cutting process is a safe and cost-effective method of cutting indoor concrete slabs.

However, you need to consider water damage to indoor surfaces when you use this method to cut concrete in your home or office.

Use preventive measures and sheeting to ensure protection to the indoor areas when using the wet cutting method to cut indoor concrete.

The Vacuum System

The vacuum system is another effective process of cutting indoor concrete and preventing the dust from being airborne and affecting your health and well-being.

The vacuum system directly attaches to a hydraulic chain saw to use this method successfully. This system is ideal for collecting the slurry resulting from the wet concrete cutting method.

The concrete slurry will be collected in a secure tank – which can easily be rolled around on the job site.

Today, there are advanced vacuum systems with attached floor squeezers mounted on the tank for ease of use.

The Best Way To Cut Concrete Indoors

The best way to cut concrete indoors is to hire a professional concrete cutting service.

With dozens of concrete cutting services operating in Melbourne, choosing the right service for your project may not be easy.

There are many things to consider when choosing a reputable and experienced concrete cutting service.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Do Australian Concrete Cutting Methods Vary From European Methods?

Are you searching for a reliable concrete cutting service in Australia? Are you wondering whether Australian concrete cutting methods vary from European methods? If so, read more below.

The simple answer to the question above is that the concrete cutting methods in Australia or Europe are virtually the same.

However, if you are in Australia, you still need to make sure you work with a reliable concrete cutting service when you have a concrete cutting project to get the best possible results.

Concrete is a versatile and durable construction material. It’s used in the construction industry across the globe.

Contractors use different methods when they are faced with the need to cut concrete for whatever reason.

You should have a working knowledge of the different concrete cutting methods across the globe when embarking upon a concrete cutting project.

This article highlights some of the most effective concrete cutting methods in Australia as well as Europe.

  • Diamond Sawing
  • Flat Sawing
  • Wall Sawing
  • Core Drilling
  • Wire Sawing

Diamond Sawing

Diamond saws are more precise and much faster compared to most of the other concrete cutting methods. This method needs fewer operators and can cut rebar and other metals.

Diamond saws don’t vibrate and create a lot of noise like other concrete cutting methods. These tools are less likely to damage the adjoining concrete surface when cutting concrete.

However, diamond sawing should be performed by a professional concrete cutting contractor. You should rely on an experienced contractor for this purpose.

Flat Sawing

Flat sawing is a process that’s used to cut flat concrete surfaces such as floors and pavement. That’s why flat sawing is also known as slab sawing.

The saws are mounted on a cart that the contractor pushes from behind. Flat sawing is most often used to access wiring and broken pipes below a concrete floor.

It is also used to patch a road or highway and cut plumbing trenches.

Wall Sawing

Wall sawing is done with a circular blade on a track-mounted machine. The track allows the saw to cut ceilings and climb walls.

Wall sawing is used to cut concrete walls that are more than 16 inches thick however, it isn’t suitable to cut concrete walls that are 36 inches thick.

Wall sawing is not the best DIY project because it is difficult and requires expertise.

Core Drilling

Core drilling is important to make precise circular holes to create openings for pipes, heating, and electrical wires. It is also used to cut holes for air-conditioning or ventilating vents to fit through.

Core drilling can also be used for taking concrete samples. A core drill is a steel tube with diamond-tipped bits. These tools can be operated at any angle including vertically or horizontally.

Wire Sawing

Wire sawing is usually reserved for much larger concrete cutting projects. It is used when every other method fails.

Wire saws are made using multistrand cables including small diamond segments threaded through pulleys that are attached to a drive wheel (powered by hydraulics).

When the saw operates, the wire will spin around and the hydraulic power unit will pull on the cable.

Final Thoughts

When you need to have some concrete cut, you should always rely on a professional and experienced concrete cutting service to handle the job.

If you are searching for the best concrete cutting service in Melbourne, there are many factors to consider before choosing the right contractor for the project.

Your research is important in this regard. Check the reputation, expertise, credentials, technology, and customer feedback of the potential cutting service before choosing the best one for the job.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

8 Steps For Cutting, Breaking And Removing Concrete!

Do you have a concrete cutting or removal project? Did you know that concrete cutting, breaking, and removal isn’t as easy as you may think? Please read below for more information.

Breaking and removing street pavement to give way to a new concrete pavement is usually done by big-time contractors with the right technology and equipment.

However, if you have a minor domestic concrete cutting project such as repairing water or drain leaks in your yard, you need to know how to deal with such a situation.

Even if you decide to hire a professional concrete cutting service for such a minor project, you should still know about the basic steps for cutting, breaking, and removing concrete.

Here are 8 steps for cutting, breaking, and removing concrete in your home or garden.

  • Prepare The Site
  • Have The Right Tools
  • Use Safety Equipment
  • Lay Out The Area
  • Cut The Concrete
  • Break The Concrete
  • Remove The Concrete
  • Complete The Work

Prepare The Site

The specific site should be cleared of all clutter before cutting concrete. Try your best to clear as much dust and debris from the site.

The passage should be clear enough so that you can easily remove the broken concrete by following the appropriate safety procedures.

Have The Right Tools

Make sure you have the right tools when you plan to cut concrete in your home or yard.

You should have an electric concrete cutter with a diamond blade, a large pry bar, a sledgehammer, a shovel, a bolt cutter to cut the wire mesh, a jackhammer, and a demolition saw for rebars.

Use Safety Equipment

Concrete cutting is a dirty job that can affect your respiratory health. You should have the right safety equipment ready for such a project.

Here is some of the safety equipment you need – Goggles, thick gloves, chalk for line marking, ear protective gear, dust mask, work boots, and thick clothes to protect you from tiny fragments of concrete may fly around at different directions.

Lay Out The Area

Use a straight-edge piece of wood and coloured chalk to mark the area you’re cutting. The line marks should be wide enough so that you can clearly see them, even from a distance.

Cut The Concrete

Set up the concrete saw to cut at a 50mm blade depth over the guideline.

When you start the cutting of concrete, don’t forget to spray the surface area around the blade with water to prevent the concrete dust from becoming airborne.

This will also prevent the concrete cutting blade from being overheated. However, you need to ensure that water is not sprayed on the electric saw.

Once you complete the line cut, you can adjust the blade in the cutting saw to 100mm and repeat the steps.

Break The Concrete

Once the cutting is done, position the jackhammer to break the concrete slabs. The weight and movement of the jackhammer will be enough to break the concrete.

Make sure you remove the first few broken pieces of concrete to make room for the next pieces to fall off.

If the concrete pieces are supported by wire mesh, you may have to use the bolt cutter to cut the mesh.

Remove The Concrete

You need thick gloves to manually load the broken concrete pieces into sacks that are easy to carry. Use the shovel to scoop the tiny fragments of concrete into the sack.

Make sure you follow all the safety procedures when removing concrete from the site.

Complete The Work

If you are still not satisfied with the depth of the cutting once you initially clear the area, you may use the jackhammer to level the area. Repeat the process until you are satisfied with the results.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

How Do You Cut A Concrete Floor For New Plumbing?

Are you wondering how a builder cuts a concrete floor to install new plumbing? If so, please continue reading the article below.

When building a house, the builder will install drain lines and stubs to connect the new plumbing fixtures before pouring the concrete foundation.

If the homeowner wants to add more space to his or her home or if an existing drain line ruptures, it’s necessary to cut the concrete floor to reach the existing plumbing fixtures to connect a new line.

Following are some of the things that need to be taken into account:

  • Things to consider before cutting the concrete floor
  • The right tools
  • Marking and cutting the concrete floor
  • Special considerations

Things To Consider Before Cutting The Concrete Floor

You need to make sure you obtain a set of the building’s mechanical prints to determine the location of existing plumbing before cutting the concrete floor.

Most drain pipes are located beneath the concrete floor and run through the layer of soil beneath. If the building has an in-floor heating system, cutting through the coils can destroy the heating system.

You shouldn’t cut the concrete floor until you are sure about the location of all the conduits and electrical lines of the building.

This is the first step you need to take before cutting the concrete floor for new plumbing.

The Right Tools

Most residential concrete floors are about four inches thick. They have steel reinforcement in the form of a steel mesh. You need the right tools and supplies to cut through such floors.

The best way to do it is to work with a professional concrete cutting company. You should do your research before choosing the best service provider for your project.

If you plan to do the job yourself, you should hire a wet concrete saw that has a diamond blade. A wet saw can reduce the amount of concrete dust – which can be hazardous to your health.

You have to use the right protective gear when cutting a concrete floor to install new plumbing fixtures. A respirator and protective eyewear are essential items in this regard.

Marking And Cutting The Concrete Floor

The next step is to mark the concrete floor you plan to cut.

Before marking the cut, you need to find the centre of the new line at its orientation point as well as the point where it will connect with the existing plumbing fixtures.

Snap two chalk lines on both sides to form a 12-inch strip. The next step is to set the diamond blade of the concrete saw to a depth of 4 1/2 inches. Now cut along both chalk lines.

The process can be time-consuming and noisy. This may also depend on the amount of steel reinforcement in the concrete.

Once you have cut both sides of the concrete, you should use a sledgehammer to break the concrete slab into chunks. This way you can easily remove the pieces of concrete from the floor.

Special Considerations

Cutting a concrete floor is not the best DIY job for an inexperienced homeowner.

The best way to cut through the concrete floor in your home is to work with a reputable concrete cutting company. They are the best people to do a quality and a safe job at an affordable price.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Tips for Cutting A Concrete Floor Near a Wall

Do you need to cut a concrete floor near a wall? This can be an extremely awkward proposition. Please read below for some tips on how to do this properly.

Cutting concrete floors is straightforward if you get the safety precautions right and understand how to do it.

However, floors are different, and, in some cases, the fixtures close to them make the job challenging for you.

One typical example is where you need to cut concrete floors in tight corners and places near the walls. Here is where you will be required to dig deep and find out the best ways to make the cuts.

Doing it is not all doom and gloom, and with a few tips, you can make light work of these awkward situations.

Find the Best Saw

Many saws are designed to cut flat surfaces, and their bulky bodies make it hard to access corner spaces such as the intersection of floors and walls.

However, a few saws have been designed in such a way that makes them suitable for such scenarios.

If you are taking on a project that will involve cutting concrete in tight places, it is better to find a saw that is suited for that.

An example is a toe kick saw that consists of a little blade attached to a regular round saw with a lengthy joint. The name toe kick refers to the space beneath kitchen base cabinets.

The long joint holding the blade allows it to access such tight spaces and make cuts.

Undercut saws are a great option and operate differently from the toe kick ones. They are mounted to the saw’s motor with its position being perpendicular to the body of the saw.

The positioning of this saw allows you to place the toll against the surface, saw the wall and cut through the tight space.

Other notable saws suited for such applications are handheld rotary tools and masonry wall saws.

Find the Best Blades

You are limited to a few options when making concrete cuts in tight places. Therefore, you need to choose your blade wisely. Using the wrong blade will make it difficult to cut the area correctly.

The disadvantage of these tight spots is that once you make a wrong cut, it becomes difficult to correct the mistake.

Diamond blades are singled out as the top options for making cuts across a wide variety of scenarios, and it is best if you use them when cutting near a wall.

Ensure that you buy the right blade for this application.

Observe Safety

When faced with a challenging situation such as cutting concrete in tight spaces, it is easy to focus on handling the task correctly and forget about safety.

Safety should be a priority regardless of the concrete cutting application you are engaged in. Remember to watch the dust and always wear a safety mask when cutting concrete.

Ensure that as you maneuver and position your body to make the right cut, you stay grounded and don’t lose your balance.

Most concrete cutting accidents are due to the operator not being properly balanced. Keep your body away from the saws rotation route to avoid any potential injuries.

Once you have made the cut or if you are taking a break to pick up a call or do anything else, make sure you deactivate the saw. Make sure you unplug it from the wall and totally disengage it.

Leaving it engaged poses a considerable risk to you and the people around the site.

Some of the ways to cut concrete in tight corners have been mentioned above. It can be concluded that making such cuts is reasonably easy if you have machines that are designed to make them.

With the proper technique and with the right tools, you should be able to make these cuts safely.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

What Are The Different Concrete Cutting Techniques

What are the different concrete cutting techniques available? How do you choose the right one for your project? Let’s take a look at this is more detail below.

Today’s highly advanced concrete cutting equipment is credited with a variety of benefits.

This includes precise cutting, limited access cutting, reduced downtime, the ability to cut through the hardest of reinforced concrete surfaces all while maintaining structural integrity.

Even with the above benefits in mind, it is important that you address a few questions to get the most out of this advanced technology when cutting concrete.

Answering these questions will not only make it easier for you to reap the above benefits but will also result in a smoother and more efficient project.

Diamond Sawing

This is one of the most commonly used techniques when it comes to cutting through the hardest concrete surfaces.

Diamond sawing is mainly used to make the most accurate cuts in all sorts of concrete surfaces, including walls, slabs and floors.

Since diamond sawing is known for being fairly quiet, it is the preferred option when it comes to concrete cutting projects conducted indoors; regardless of whether it is a residential or commercial space.

Flat Sawing

If your project involves cutting through a flat concrete surface such as floors, paths, loading docks, slabs or even roads, consider using the flat sawing technique.

Flat sawing, which is also referred to as slab sawing, involves the use of a slab or floor cutting attachment.

To avoid cutting through any utilities buried under the concrete, flat sawing techniques call for the making cuts up and down the surface in question.

This technique not only prevents unnecessary damage by preventing the accidental severing of buried utilities but also enhances the safety of both workers and anyone else within the vicinity of the project.

Wall Sawing

If you need to cut through vertical walls to create an opening for a new vent, window or doorway, this is the best technique to use.

Wall cutting, also referred to as track sawing, requires the use of a highly effective wall attachment that is designed to increase the effectiveness and accuracy of using a circular concrete saw in making vertical and horizontal cuts along walls, around corners and into the ceiling where necessary.

Wire Sawing

This concrete cutting technique is usually used in applications where all the other techniques are not viable.

Originally applied in stone cutting operations in quarries, wire sawing involves the use of a multi-strand cable with diamond attachments to cut through huge sections of concrete blocks.

The cable is guided through the concrete section to be cut using a system of pulleys.

Wire sawing techniques are mostly applied in situations where the concrete sections to be cut are huge, like sections of a bridge, piers or towers, in which other techniques are ineffective.

Core Drilling

Core drilling techniques are best suited to projects that require the drilling of tubular sections in concrete surfaces.

This means that if you are looking to drill a hole through concrete for routing plumbing, cables, HVAC vents or for the installation of anchoring bolts, core drilling is the most suitable technique to use.

The drill bit used is made up of a steel tube with laser welded or brazed diamond segments attached to an air, electric or hydraulic powered core drilling unit.


As you can clearly see from the above, different projects require different concrete cutting techniques.

After defining the requirements of your specific concrete cutting project, you can move on to identifying the most suitable technique based on the above information.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

Using Ring Saws for Deep Concrete Cutting Applications

How deep can ring saws actually cut into concrete? It not so much the saw that matters, but what it is you’re cutting. Please read below as we explore this topic further.

Saws are useful machines that help to cut tough surfaces such as concrete. The modern-day saws are robust and allow people working on projects to make cuts with a lot of precision.

You will come across a wide variety of saws when it comes to concrete sawing, and ring saws are undoubtedly one of the best saws in the industry.

They are useful for projects where you need to make cuts in confined spaces such as corners.

When ring sawing, it helps to know how deep they can cut for you to decide whether they are suited to your application or if you need a different type of saw.

Before going into the depth these saws can cut, it is essential to point out what makes them a suitable option.

What is a Ring Saw?

Ring saws are handheld and thus making them suited for places that a regular saw cannot access.

They help to make deep cuts in such confined spaces since the space limitation makes it hard to get these cuts with a regular hand saw.

They also help to achieve precision cutting and can cut through stone, granite, marble, glass, and acrylic among others.

The typical application of a ring saw is when there is a need to create small openings through concrete, such as windows, frames, and ventilation among others.

Benefits of Ring Saws

Ring saws are small in size while still offering a significant amount of power needed to make cuts. They can typically make cuts of up to 275 mm deep.

They are used for making cuts in the most confined places with a lot of precision. These saws are known for their clean cutting experience in that they are used with water to keep the blade cool.

This way, they do not produce as much dust as other types of saws making your working area clean and reducing the risk of inhaling the particles.

Ring saws are bumped and not toothed making them comparatively safe. They cut through the action of the abrasive age generating friction against the hard surface.

They also work by spinning the circle blade meaning that they do not vibrate, making them better to handle when cutting.

Choosing the Right Blade

There are different types of blades you can use on your ring saw, and they all determine how deep you will cut, among other factors.

Abrasive blades are ideal for applications that require a lot of precision, but they produce a lot of dust. They heat up quickly and might not offer you the power needed to make very deep cuts.

They are not suitable for jobs that take a long time. Wet blades are fast and clean. They use water to cool the blade as indicated above, and this reduces the dust produced when cutting.

They allow you to complete the work faster since you do not have to worry about the dust produced and the blade heating up. Note that you need a special type of ring saw to use this blade.

Diamond blades are arguably the best for making deep cuts. They are durable and can cut through any material.

If you are looking to make deep cuts or handle projects that take a lot of time, diamond blades are your best option.

Ring saws are a great option if you are looking to make deep cuts in confined areas.

You will enjoy several benefits by using them over the traditional hand saws, and if you have a project, consider using them, and you won’t regret it.

Always remember to uphold safety precautions when using ring saws for your projects as these machines are dangerous when misused and can cause serious injury.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

The 3 Common Methods Of Cutting Concrete

Are you involved in a major construction or renovation project? Are you wondering what concrete cutting method is right for your project? Please read below for more.

When you are involved in a major construction or renovation project, you may need to cut through concrete at some point.

You may have to cut through a concrete wall to create space for windows or cut through a concrete floor to install pipes. Concrete cutting isn’t the best DIY project for an inexperienced homeowner.

There are several methods of cutting concrete. Each method uses specialised tools that are dangerous if you lack the expertise to operate them.

This article provides information on 3 common methods of cutting concrete.

  • Wall sawing
  • Slab sawing
  • Wire Sawing

Wall Sawing

This method helps cut through concrete walls. Wall sawing features a diamond blade similar to slab sawing. The latest wall saws can cut through concrete that’s up to 21 inches thick.

You can use this method instead of slab sawing to cut through concrete floors too. Most contractors use wall sawing to cut through concrete floors.

When you have a sloped floor, a wall saw is the best tool to cut through it. You can also use this tool to make openings in ceilings in your home. There are two types of wall saws out there.

Electric saws and truck-mounted hydraulic saws are these two types.

Even though hydraulic saws are more powerful, electric saws are easier to use because they are lighter and quieter when operating.

Slab Sawing

Slab sawing is also known as flat sawing and is used to cut through flat concrete surfaces such as decks, floors, and driveways in your home or office.

There are two basic types of slab saws such as heavy-duty riding saws and walk-behind push saws. These saws are operated using gas, electricity, hydraulic power, diesel, and propane.

A diamond blade is used in the slab saw to cut concrete. A diamond blade is beneficial because it cuts through concrete quietly and quickly.

It requires less water compared to other concrete cutting blades. The latest slab saws can cut concrete that’s up to 30 inches thick.

Slab saws produce precise cuts compared to other concrete cutting saws out there.

Wire Sawing

Wire sawing is the third method of cutting concrete. When wall sawing or slab sawing doesn’t work, contractors use wire sawing. This method is ideal for large scale projects.

It can also be used to access areas that are hard to access through other concrete cutting tools.

A wire saw has a metal wire covered with diamond-tipped beads which makes it more effective than most of the other concrete cutting tools.

Wire sawing is used to cut through reinforced rebar, steel-encased concrete or retaining walls. It can make precise cuts in concrete without producing any vibrations in the process.

It can cut irregular concrete shapes with impressive accuracy.

Concrete cutting is a complex process that requires professional assistance. Concrete cutting isn’t the best DIY project for an inexperienced contractor.

The process involves several different tools and methods. You need to choose the right concrete cutting method depending on your specific project.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

What Are The Important Guidelines For Cutting Pavers?

Are you planning to install concrete pavers at your home? Do you want to know the best way to cut concrete pavers? If so, you have come to the right place.

Installing paving stones at your home will enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property.

Paving stones can improve the look and feel of your pool deck, walkway, driveway or patio when installed the correct way. Pavers are exquisite and long-lasting at the same time.

If you take care of your pavers properly, they will add charm to your property for many years to come.

Your walkway or patio will rarely have perfect dimensions. You may have to make some cuts and adjustments to the concrete paver to get them to fit properly on the walkway, driveway or patio.

Cutting pavers is an ideal job for concrete sawing specialists. There are many things to consider when cutting pavers.

This article provides information on some of the important guidelines for cutting pavers such as the following:

  • Cutting pavers with a saw
  • Cutting pavers with a hammer and chisel
  • Rinsing off pavers using water
  • Hiring a professional to cut Concrete pavers

Cutting Concrete Pavers With A Saw

Most people prefer to cut concrete pavers with a hand held saw. You will also need a workhorse for the project. A workhorse that has adjustable sides is the best for this type of job.

The saw blade should be made either with carbide or diamond-tipped edges. These are the best types of blades to cut through concrete pavers. Start with a light cut when cutting pavers.

Don’t penetrate the entire paver on the first run. You may need to proceed to the second or third cut to finish the project.

Cutting Concrete Pavers With A Hammer And Chisel

This is the old fashioned way of cutting concrete. It’s a simple technique that doesn’t require any power tools. This method requires elbow grease and may take some time.

Make sure you hit the right mark when cutting the paver so that you get a perfect fit. You should also wear protective equipment when cutting the pavers yourself.

Safety goggles are mandatory to protect your eyes during the process.

When it comes to marking your pavers, you need to scratch a line on the paver using a chisel. Hold the chisel against that line and hit the chisel gently with the hammer to mark the paver.

Rinsing Off Pavers Using Water

Cutting pavers will produce concrete dust which is harmful to your health and well-being. The best way to prevent or minimise concrete dust is to rinse off pavers with water.

Make sure you wear all the protective equipment such as eye goggles and face masks to protect yourself from the concrete dust that is produced during the cutting process.

That’s why paver cutting is best left for experienced professionals in the industry. They have the right tools and protective gear to protect themselves when cutting concrete.

Hiring A Professional To Cut Concrete Pavers

The best way to cut concrete pavers is to hire a reliable professional for the job.

When you are involved in a residential or commercial project, a professional contractor can do a much better job of cutting pavers made of concrete effectively.

Concrete cutting is laborious, time-consuming, and dangerous when you don’t have any experience in such work.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

What is a Wire Diamond Saw and Why Are They Used?

What is a diamond wire saw? Why would you use one for cutting concrete? Let’s take a look in more detail below.

There are many methods of cutting concrete. Ring saws are popular because they are easy to handle and can cut straight lines with relative ease. However, there are limitations to ring saws.

The diameter of the blade determines how deeply it can cut, and if someone needs to cut concrete that is very thick, or wants to make a curved or angled cut, then an alternative method should be used.

Diamond Wire Cutting for Thicker Materials

Diamond wire cutting uses a wire that has been treated with diamond dust to cut through heavy materials.

Diamonds are incredibly strong, and this method of cutting can work on almost anything that is softer than the abrasive surfaces of the diamond.

Diamond wire cutting is very practical, simple, and inexpensive.

Thin diamond wire, intended for general use on materials that are not difficult to cut is so inexpensive especially when the cost is measured in cents per foot or metre.

The wire that is used to cut concrete is slightly more expensive to make because it must be thicker and requires more diamonds to produce.

However, it is still an affordable way of cutting concrete when compared to many alternatives.

Why Use Diamond Wire Saws?

The cost is not the only attractive property of diamond wire saws. They are also a popular choice because they tend to produce less waste and dust than solid blades.

Diamond wire saws require water to cool the cut, as a lubricant, and to wash away any debris, but they produce less waste overall than cutting with a traditional blade. They produce a rapid, clean cut.

The Downsides of Wire Cutting

There are some downsides to using wire diamond saws, however. These blades are fragile and can jam, snap or tangle when they are worn down.

The wire is inexpensive, so replacing broken wires is not too much of an issue, but a broken wire can be a safety concern.

When a solid blade becomes worn it simply cuts less effectively or jams. A wire blade can also whip out, potentially injuring the operator.

A reel of diamond wire tends to have a usable life span of six ‘cuts’ where the spool cycles from one end to the other.

After that, it is likely that the abrasiveness will be too worn down to be useful, and will be at much greater risk of snapping.

Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

Given the above information, it’s clear that diamond wire saws are useful for specific applications, but they are not the ideal multi-purpose cutting tool that they may first seem.

A handheld ring saw is an easy to use tool that is comparatively low-risk to operate and that might be better suited for a lot of jobs.

Wire diamond saws, by comparison, are less portable since they require large spools of wire, and there is more that can go wrong with them in operation.

Wire diamond saws do have a clear use for situations where a ring saw or chainsaw is not able to cut deeply enough.

They also have a level of versatility in that changing the wire allows you to cut different grades and densities of materials. This means that they are a great choice for large construction jobs.

If you are considering using a wire diamond saw, make sure that you select the right wire, and that you follow the safety directions to the letter.

You need to replace the wire when cutting starts to slow down because worn or damaged wires can present a huge risk to the safety of the operator and others who are in the vicinity when the saw is in use.

If you are looking for a specialist concrete cutting company who uses only the best practices to get the job done right, then please call us at Megasaw on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website

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