10 Helpful Tips For Efficient Concrete Cutting

Are you relatively new to concrete cutting? Do you need a few tips and tricks to help you get the best results? Luckily for you, this article provides some tips to give you all the help you’ve been looking for!

Concrete cutting is a dangerous job, so there are a few precautionary measures that you must keep in mind when cutting concrete. All of these measures should be carefully considered before carrying out the job. 

Please keep reading below to learn about our 10 most helpful tips for efficient concrete cutting.

1). Choose The Right Concrete Cutting Saw For The Job

There are multiple varieties of concrete cutting saws, and picking the right one depends on the project at hand. For example, if your project requires the cleanest and most precise cuts, a diamond saw maybe your best choice. 

If your project requires large-scale concrete cutting, a walk-behind saw may be the best option. If your project intends to make sharp cuts in reinforced concrete or create clean corners, a handheld saw might be best. As such, make sure you know what cuts your project requires and what tools can deliver these cuts.

2). Use A Wet Blade To Control Dust

If your project requires cutting concrete in indoor areas, reducing dust is of utmost importance to prevent health and safety hazards. Wet concrete cutting is the perfect solution for dust reduction by dampening dust to prevent its transmission through the air. However, make sure to choose wet saws for the project, and ensure that there is a water source handy.

10 Helpful Tips Efficient Concrete Cutting

3). Check The Amount Of Water 

Make sure to check the amount of water that is flowing into the concrete area you are cutting. Too much water can force the blade out of control and slurries could flood the place. If there isn’t enough water, you may end up wearing out the diamond blade quicker. 

4). Be Gentle

Don’t push the blade too hard into the cement when cutting the edge. Rather, allow the saw to cut on its own as you cut through the concrete. If you use too much pressure, the cement cutting process can actually slow down. The blade will also wear out a lot quicker. 

5). Work With Trained Operators

If you aren’t alone and are working with other people using a concrete saw, make sure that they are trained properly. This is to avoid deadly, dangerous, and expensive mistakes from occurring from people who aren’t skilled or trained enough to safely handle concrete cutting saws. 

6). Check For Possible Hazards

Before cutting, check the worksite and locate possible gas, water, and electrical lines. If there are plumbing and cables, ensure they are disconnected from the mains before cutting concrete. You should also check if there are steel reinforcing bars in the concrete and whether its removal will have an impact on the structure’s stability.

7). Keep A Spare Concrete Saw On Hand

You can never go wrong with having an extra concrete saw in good working condition on hand. This will be helpful in the event that your current concrete cutting saw suddenly breaks down or is damaged. 

8). Have A Few Varieties Of Blades

One blade won’t always do all the work, so having a selection of blades can help match the different concrete cutting phases of the project. These extra blades may even act as substitutes for blades that have broken or are worn down.

10 Helpful Tips Efficient Concrete Cutting

9). Cut A Test Area

Before you use a diamond blade to create precise cuts, try testing it out on an abrasive or inconspicuous area of the concrete. This can help wear out or remove the protecting coating on the blade so that you can create cleaner and thinner cuts. 

10). Inspect The Cement Blade

Don’t make the mistake of using a dull blade. Make sure the blades are in optimal working condition to prevent dangerous accidents from occurring and to give you the best results.

Final Thoughts

Concrete cutting can be tough, but there are multiple ways that you can carry out a safe yet efficient concrete cutting job. With these 10 helpful tips, you can be sure to carry out a concrete cutting project easily, safely, and cost-effectively. 

When it comes to concrete cutting, if you need concrete cutting performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW.

We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or leave an inquiry.

Do’s And Dont’s Of Concrete Cutting

Concrete cutting is no easy task. There can be a lot of hazards associated with it if you don’t take the necessary precautionary steps. Therefore, before cutting concrete, it is important to be aware not only of what to do but also what not to do as well.

If you would like to learn more about the do’s and the dont’s of concrete cutting, feel free to continue reading our article below.

The Do’s Of Concrete Cutting

While there are some mistakes that you can potentially make during the concrete cutting process, there are also a few things you need to get right when cutting concrete. These include the following:

1). Do wear protective gear

Regardless of what type of construction job you are carrying out, it is always important to wear the right protective gear. Some of these items include protective glasses, rubber boots, masks or ventilators, long-sleeves and pants and of course, earplugs/earmuffs.

Do's Dont's Concrete Cutting

2). Do take it slow

Don’t rush a concrete cutting job. Using a concrete saw properly means slow, delicate work that can take hours to accomplish. For best results, it’s best to create several shallow passes when cutting concrete instead of making one deep cut on the first try. If you cut too deep and too fast, you can damage your concrete saw blade and cause your equipment to overheat.

3). Do create proper water flow

Most saws used to cut concrete are wet saws, which means they require a flow of water in order to create precise cuts and mitigate the amount of dust created during the cutting process. While a wet saw is the best saw to use when cutting concrete, it is critical that you have a good flow of water and everything is hooked up properly. Never use a dry saw blade with a wet saw machine.

The Dont’s Of Concrete Cutting

Before cutting concrete, it is important to know what not to do in order to avoid safety hazards and accidents. Here are a few things not to do when cutting concrete:

1). Don’t use damaged equipment

Using damaged equipment is incredibly dangerous and will pose severe safety hazards. Damaged blades will also not be able to create effective cuts. Before cutting, make sure to thoroughly inspect your blade and ensure it is not cracked or missing a tooth. Use a fresh and sharp blade if your current blade is damaged. Make sure to keep the blade guard down before cutting.

2). Don’t work in a poorly ventilated area

Working in a poorly ventilated area can be very toxic especially since most concrete saws that run on gasoline or diesel will create harmful fumes. Fumes and the combination of large amounts of dust will be very toxic if you are not working in an open space.

Do's Dont's Concrete Cutting

If you are carrying out a construction project that has been roofed and framed, make sure to wear a mask and have fans around to circulate fresh air and push away dust. For enclosed sites, try to open as many windows as you can and use the fans to keep airflow consistent.

3). Don’t work without a safe lifting method

Concrete cutters can be very heavy, so you will need to have a lifting and lowering method in order to protect your legs and lower back. If necessary, you can wear a back harness and brace to help keep you steady when you lift and cut concrete, most especially if you are cutting the side of a concrete wall.


In concrete cutting, there are a few must-do’s that you should perform in order to remain safe during the process: do wear protective gear, do take it slow, and do make sure you have good water flow. Meanwhile, there are certain mistakes that you must avoid in order to prevent safety risks and hazards: don’t use a damaged blade, don’t work in a poorly ventilated area, and don’t work without a safe lifting method.

If you need asphalt sawing performed safely and reliably, please call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete and asphalt cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or leave an inquiry.

How To Cut A Trench In A Concrete Slab?

While you may have your reasons for cutting a trench in a concrete slab, this job can often seem daunting and intimidating. However, cutting a trench in a concrete slab – like any concrete cutting job – requires the right equipment, technique, and of course, the proper safety precautions.

So how can one actually cut a trench in a concrete slab? Worry not, because we’re here to discuss everything you need to know! If you would like to learn more about this, feel free to explore our article below.

Required Materials And Equipment 

Depending on the size of your project, there is certain equipment that you will need in order to cut a trench in a concrete slab. 

For example, if you have a small project where you plan to cut concrete slabs less than 6”, a circular saw with a diamond blade is recommended for the job. Abrasive blades may also work, but it is also likely that you will need to replace the blade several times since they can wear out quickly. Diamond blades are much more reliable. 

Meanwhile, if you have a larger project where you plan to cut a trench more than 3-4 metres, a walk-behind wet saw is recommended. Wet saws are also recommended for indoor work as long as there is enough space to use the saw. Wet saws can also reduce the amount of concrete dust that will be created.

Wearing The Proper Safety Gear

Before carrying out the trench cutting job, it is critical that you wear the right safety gear. First, it is important to protect your eyes. Wearing goggles or other eye protection can help keep your eyes from sustaining damage from concrete debris. Sawing concrete is also very loud, so ear protection is another must.

How To Cut Trench Concrete Slab

Aside from eye and ear protection, ensure that you wear a high filtration dust mask to avoid concrete dust from damaging your lungs. Wearing knee pads and shin guards can protect your legs from concrete debris or accidental contact with the saw. 

Heavy-duty boots and gloves are also recommended to wear as a precaution for extreme situations. Steel-capped boots are commonly used in concrete cutting jobs. This will be helpful in case you drop something heavy on your foot or catch an unexpected sharp edge.

Cutting A Trench In A Concrete Slab

The general process for cutting a trench in a concrete slab is relatively similar across projects of different sizes and scopes. The steps presented below highlight the most common method of cutting a trench in a concrete slab. 

Step 1. Choose The Right Equipment

As previously discussed, choosing the right tools is the first step to this concrete cutting job. Make sure that you choose the right cutting tool depending on the scale of your project.

Step 2. Perform Dust Management

Concrete cutting jobs can be extremely dusty, which is harmful for human health. For example, if the job is being done indoors, use plastic sheeting and duct tape to seal off the space before cutting. This is commonly employed as one of the best ways to manage dust. This will also help protect the rest of the area from being covered in dust as well. 

Step 3. Prepare The Concrete Slab

Make sure that the concrete slab is clear of all obstructions. If the concrete has paint or other markings, it is not necessary to remove it unless it obscures you from seeing the cutting lines.

Once you have cleared out the slab, measure and mark the trench that you will be cutting. Chalk is commonly used to accomplish this. Make sure your lines are as thick and bold as possible.

Step 4. Create A Guide Cut

Once you have set your equipment up and put on all your safety gear, you can begin the cutting job. Generally, most saws can adjust the depth of the saw blade, so adjust the saw in such a way that you can achieve a cut half an inch deep.

Cutting a shallow line will make it easier for the saw and for you to control the saw. Do not cut concrete for more than 45 seconds at a time as the blade gets hot very fast.

How To Cut Trench Concrete Slab

Step 5. Finish Your Cuts

After you have made your guide cuts, reset the depth of the blade according to the depth required. Be mindful of the blade overheating. It is recommended to let the blade cool every 30-45 seconds. Go over the guide cuts slowly and ensure that you maintain consistent control over the cut.

Step 6. Remove Concrete From The Trench

Once you have made all of your cuts, make sure to remove concrete in between the cuts. Sledgehammers are commonly used to break up concrete for removal. However, for bigger jobs, you may choose to use a jackhammer. 


If you need concrete sawing performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website.

3 Ways To Control Dust When Cutting Concrete

When it comes to cutting concrete, there can be a lot of hazards that occur in the process. Some of these hazards may involve loud noises or improper equipment handling; however, one hazard that is extremely dangerous is the production of dust.

Dust in concrete cutting can be harmful to human health for a number of reasons. Because of this, there are important precautionary measures one must take in order to protect themselves from dust when cutting concrete.

But how is dust harmful, and what are some ways to control it? If you want to learn more about this, please keep on reading below.

Dust And Concrete Cutting

Cutting concrete produces huge amounts of dust. Crystalline silica is commonly found in concrete; as such, once it is cut, the dust can produce very small particles of silica.

However, when the dust becomes airborne, it can easily lodge itself into our lungs, most especially since dust containing silica is so fine. If you have prolonged exposure to concrete dust, this can lead to irreversible lung damage or illness such as emphysema and chronic silicosis. This can not only affect the quality of life but even lead to death.

Therefore, the importance of controlling dust when cutting concrete is undeniable. Because of this, there are various methods by which dust can be controlled.

3 Ways Control Dust When Cutting Concrete

3 Ways To Control Dust When Cutting Concrete

In general, there are three ways that dust can be controlled when cutting concrete. These methods differ based on the techniques and equipment that are used such as the following:

1). Wet Cutting And Water Suppression

Wet cutting is a dust control method that adds water into the mix in order to reduce the amount of dust that is produced. In fact, it can reduce the dust generated by up to 85% in comparison to cutting dry concrete.

While water is used to control dust, it can also be used to reduce the temperature of the diamond blade used to cut the concrete. This helps keep the blade cool, further expanding its lifespan. A cooler blade in wet cutting can also allow you to make precise cuts especially since you won’t have to wait for it to cool when dry cutting.

Typically, water is directly hosed onto the rotating cutting blade while it is functioning. Continuous water flow is also directly pumped onto the cutting area while the saw is in use.

From here, water mist is sprayed in the air to allow concrete dust to settle more quickly. Water jets are used to suppress dust emission. This takes form as pressurised tanks that contain a minimum of 8 litres of water to produce a ratio of ½ litre of water per minute rate, further controlling dust emissions.

Because you will be dealing with continuous water flow, ensure that you make use of the right equipment that can cope with water containment and the collection of concrete slurry. 

2). Dust Extraction

Dust extraction makes use of systems such as high powered vacuums that have specialist air filters. These are fitted to a tool that can extract dust in the stages of cutting, sawing, or drilling.

Using the proper dust extraction equipment is critical, especially since they are specifically designed to capture all dust. Make sure to give careful attention to the dust collection bags and filters. Empty them, clean them, and change them regularly to avoid clogs or overfilling.

3). Respiratory Protective Equipment

Respirators help give additional protection from airborne particles produced during concrete cutting. They are often used together with another dust control method (whether it be water suppression or extraction). Using the right respirator is important and must adhere to safety requirements.


Concrete cutting can be a dangerous job. While there are various hazards associated with it, the production of dust is one that can cause irreparable health damage.

As such, employing dust control methods and safety measures is critical when cutting concrete. While water suppression and dust extraction can be classified as dust control methods, using protective equipment such as respirators should also be used in conjunction with these methods.

If you need concrete sawing performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website.

What Are The Dangers Of Cutting Holes In Concrete Walls?

When it comes to cutting, drilling, or sawing concrete, it can be a very tricky job. There can be some serious hazards if you do not take the proper safety precautions beforehand.

Cutting holes into or sawing concrete walls is no exception to this. It is important that you are aware of what potential hazards might occur if you do not protect yourself before you cut holes into concrete walls.

If you would like to learn more about some of the dangers that come with cutting holes or sawing concrete walls, then let’s explore this in more detail below.

The Dangers Of Cutting Holes In Concrete Walls

Safety should be of utmost priority when it comes to any type of concrete cutting job. There are many hazards that can occur with projects such as these that can pose a real danger to your health, safety, and overall well being.

More importantly, a seemingly simple concrete cutting job such as cutting holes in concrete walls can be deceivingly easy. However, safety should not be neglected from a job such as this. Here are a couple of dangers that you may come across if you do not protect yourself in concrete hole cutting jobs:

1). Flying Debris 

Flying debris is something you will encounter in any concrete cutting, sawing, or drilling job. When cutting holes in concrete walls, you may encounter flying debris such as drywall particles or wood shavings. 

Flying debris is very dangerous because it can penetrate the eye and cause serious damage. The dust from cutting may also cause respiratory problems, which is particularly detrimental for individuals that already have existing issues such as asthma. 

As such, it is important that you wear the appropriate personal protective equipment when carrying out this type of job. 

2). Unmaintained Equipment

Maintaining your equipment is very important. If your equipment is faulty, this will not only compromise the integrity of your project but jeopardise your safety as well. 

For example, you must ensure that the drill or saw is kept dry at all times. This is because if the drill is wet and you accidentally hit an electrical wire, you can experience an intense electrical shock. 

Another example is that drills and saws can burn your skin since they become hot after use. Keep the drill away from pets and children and handle it with caution to avoid injuries. 

3). Electrical Hazards

Electrical dangers are a common occurrence when it comes to cutting holes in concrete walls. When cutting holes, make sure to avoid drilling above, below, or near light switches or electrical outlets. Hitting an electrical wire with a metal drill can lead to electrical shocks.

If you plan to drill a hole into a concrete wall of a two-story house, make sure to take extra precautions in avoiding electrical wiring. This is because it can run above, below, or on either side of a light switch or socket.

Some modern homes may have electrical wiring encased in steel plating. To prevent sustaining an electrical shock, make sure that you should check electrical plans if possible or seek advice from an electrician. 

What Are Dangers Cutting Holes Concrete Walls

4). Improper Attire

Wearing the right attire is imperative when it comes to cutting holes in concrete walls. Loose clothing or long sleeves can easily get caught in the drill or saw, causing possible injuries to your hands or fingers. Make sure that you are wearing the right attire – that is, anything that is not loose. 


When cutting holes or sawing into concrete walls, you must make sure to take the necessary safety precautions beforehand. While it may seem like a simple job, there can be potential hazards if you do not protect yourself.

Some of these hazards include sustaining injuries from flying debris, hitting electrical wires, getting clothing caught in the drill, and misusing your equipment. All of these dangers must be considered before you choose to cut or saw holes into your concrete wall.

If you need concrete sawing performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website.

How Can Non-destructive Concrete Testing Be Done?

Did you know that there are actually various methods of non-destructive concrete testing? This may not be known to many people, but non-destructive concrete testing exists – and there are many methods that can be used for this.

If you want to learn more about how non-destructive concrete testing can be done, then please continue to read below to learn more.

The Purpose Of Non-Destructive Concrete Testing

Non-destructive concrete testing is a method of both investigating and evaluating concrete structures. This can be used to estimate the concrete’s strength along with its other properties, to monitor and assess corrosion, to measure the crack size and cover, to assess grout quality, and to detect defects and other vulnerable areas within the concrete.

Most of these non-destructive concrete testing methods are grounded on a scientific basis and could involve various parameters such as materials, environment, mix, and more. 

These tests can also measure other properties of concrete such as its hardness. Interpreting these results can be quite challenging, and are often left for experts to take care of.

Types Of Non-Destructive Concrete Testing

There are numerous techniques used to perform non-destructive concrete testing. Here are just a few of them down below:

1). Penetration Tests

There are various means of penetration tests, but the Windsor probe is generally considered the best. It consists of equipment including a powder-actuated gun or driver, loaded cartridges, hardened alloy probes and a depth gauge to measure the penetration of probes.

It functions by driving a probe into the concrete through a precision powder charge. The depth of the penetration indicates the compressive strength of the concrete.

The manufacturer is in charge of providing calibration charts, but the instrument must be calibrated for the type of concrete and the type and size of the aggregate used.

How Non-destructive Concrete Testing Done

2). Dynamic Non-Destructive Test

Dynamic tests make use of resonant frequency and mechanical sonic and ultrasonic pulse velocity methods. They are able to evaluate the durability and uniformity of the concrete, while also being able to estimate its elastic and strength properties.

The only technique under this test is known as the ultrasonic pulse velocity method. It measures the time it takes for an ultrasonic pulse to pass through the concrete.

Pulses are generated by shock-exciting piezoelectric crystals where similar crystals are also contained in the receiver. The time it takes for the pulse to pass the concrete is measured by electronic measuring circuits. 

3). Pull-Out Tests

A pull-out test uses a special ram that is used to measure the force that is required to pull a specially shaped steel rod from the concrete. In this process, the concrete is also in tension and in shear. The force that is required to pull out the concrete is also related to its compressive strength.

The pull-out technique can therefore quantitatively measure the in-situ strength of concrete if proper correlations are made. Over a wide range of strengths, pull-out strengths have a coefficient of variation that is comparable to compressive strength. 

4). Rebound Hammer Method

The rebound hammer test is primarily used to estimate the strength of concrete for comparative investigation. It does this by measuring the elastic rebound of concrete.

In essence, it is a surface hardness tester that establishes an empirical correlation between strength and rebound number. The only instrument that can carry out the rebound principle is the Schmidt hammer. It has a spring-controlled hammer mass that, within a tubular housing, slides on a plunger.

The hammer is forced against the concrete surface by the spring. The surface may be horizontal, vertical, or angular, but the instrument must be appropriately calibrated in the position. The distance of the rebound that was created is then measured on a scale. 

Usually, several readings are taken, and they must be both well-distributed and reproducible. 

How Non-destructive Concrete Testing Done

5). Radioactive Methods

Radioactive methods of concrete testing can help detect the location of reinforcement, measure concrete density, and determine if honeycombing has occurred in concrete units. 

The equipment used for this method is relatively simple and affordable, but the initial price can be high. Concrete that is up to 18 inches thick can be easily examined with radioactive methods.


Non-destructive concrete testing actually involves many scientific principles and intricacies. It is not an easy job to do, which is why many skilled and specialized experts help handle jobs such as these.

However, there will be situations when you have no choice but to cut or dig up the concrete depending on what tests are being performed and why. If that is the case, then MEGASAW is here to help.

For all concrete cutting needs, be it commercial or residential, call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete services in Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website.

Common Mistakes When Cutting Or Drilling Concrete

When it comes to drilling or cutting concrete, you may come across a couple of mistakes. These mistakes often come at the expense of your own and others’ safety.

Because of this, it is important that you always come thoroughly prepared before cutting or drilling concrete. Being aware of common mistakes that can occur in projects such as this is an important step towards preparedness and prevention.

If you want to learn more about some common mistakes that occur when cutting or drilling concrete, then please keep reading as we explore this in more detail below.

1). Assuming All Concrete Is The Same

Assuming that all concrete is the same is one of the most common mistakes when it comes to concrete cutting or drilling. It is important to remember that concrete is a mixture of various additives that can affect its strength, density, and other characteristics.

Because there are different mixtures used for, say, a concrete foundation than what there is for concrete driveways, it is important that you do not treat these concrete types the same way. 

This means that you will need to pick appropriate equipment and apply appropriate pressure when cutting concrete. For example, thick concrete may need a rotary hammer to break it up, while a masonry drill can be more suitable for softer concrete

As mentioned, adjusting the pressure of the concrete cut is also important. This is because if you do not adjust the pressure you apply when cutting concrete, this can lead to defects such as cracks. 

Common Mistakes When Cutting Drilling Concrete

2). Not Knowing What Lies Beneath The Concrete

This particular mistake can be particularly detrimental for your safety and your coworkers’ safety. For example, if you cut through a concrete wall in a hoe, there could be materials such as plumbing pipes or electrical wires underneath.

Accidentally cutting materials such as pipes or wires can lead to some serious injuries or structural damage to the property. Therefore, it is important to check the property’s blueprints so that you can avoid unnecessary damage.

It is also important to discover if there is rebar beneath the concrete. Rebar is commonly used to strengthen the concrete. As such, you will need different tools like a diamond drill or saw to cut through rebar. 

3). Not Changing Equipment When Handling Different Materials

Using the right equipment is vital when you are handling different materials. For example, masonry bits and blades should only be used to cut concrete, not tiles or asphalt. 

Therefore, if the concrete cutting job has an element of cutting other materials simultaneously, then do not assume that your equipment can cut through concrete and the other material as well. 

Make sure that you change your blades and bits to prevent damage from harder materials and avoid cracked or broken tiles, woods, tempered glass, etc.

Common Mistakes When Cutting Drilling Concrete

4). Not Using Water Properly

Water is actually an important part of concrete cutting jobs because a lot of dust is often created. However, when using water, make sure you do not pour a long stream over your cutting or drilling area. This is because it can create a mess, which can be disruptive for the cutting process.

Rather, pour just enough water so that the dust can be gently rinsed away. Make sure to keep the work area clear. Stop cutting or drilling concrete if you do not see a chalk line or drill bit as you work and wash the area away. Make sure to adjust the water you use accordingly as you work.

Final Thoughts

Concrete cutting can be considered a risky job. There are a lot of potential hazards that can occur if you do not take the proper precautions and preventive measures beforehand.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of what can go wrong if you do not prepare yourself for any type of concrete cutting job. With this quick guide, we hope to have helped in advising you on what you should avoid when cutting concrete.

For all concrete cutting needs, be it commercial or residential, call us at MEGASAW. We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete services in Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or contact us through our website.

Can Continuous Reinforcement In Concrete Slabs Be Cut?

Have you ever wondered if you can cut reinforced concrete slabs? Or better yet, have you ever wondered what reinforced concrete even is?

Reinforced concrete consists of a matrix that is composed of bars, wires, strands, and other materials that help provide additional strength for concrete. However, because it is composed of these additional parts, many people often wonder if continuous reinforcement can be cut. 

If you’ve had these questions in your head, then we’re here to talk all about it! If you want to learn more about what reinforced concrete is and if they can even be cut, then please keep reading below to learn more. 

What Is Reinforced Concrete?

First, let’s discuss what reinforced concrete actually is. Reinforced concrete is concrete that has embedded steel bars or welded wire fabric when the concrete is freshly made. You can often find reinforced concrete used on construction projects.

As previously mentioned, the main purpose of reinforcing concrete is to provide additional strength for points in concrete where it is needed. The steel helps provide tensile strength where the concrete is in tension like in slabs or beams. 

Steel also helps provide compressive strength for concrete columns and walls. It can also provide extra shear strength over and above concrete beams. 

So, while reinforced concrete may be embedded with rebar and other components such as steel wire meshes, it is not impossible to cut. You just need the right tools and the right professionals alongside you. 

Can Continuous Reinforcement Concrete Slabs Be Cut

Cutting Reinforced Concrete

In terms of cutting reinforced concrete, there are specialised tools that you can use. The most common tools to use are diamond blades or a concrete wet cutter, which are both known to be quite efficient and effective at cutting concrete. 

Diamond blades, in particular, are specifically designed to cut through the hardest materials, which is why they are compatible with cutting reinforced concrete.

Situations, where you find yourself needing to cut reinforced concrete, can be for either repair or replacement purposes. 

Here are a few types of sawing that can be performed for cutting reinforced concrete:

1). Diamond Wall Sawing

Diamond wall saws can be used to cut off or reduce sections of reinforced concrete walls if you plan to form doors, escalators, or lift shaft openings. Because it is both lightweight and has easily transportable components, it can be used for multi-storey buildings on walls or floors that are up to 700 mm in depth.

Diamond wall saws also have flush cutting capabilities, meaning that they can cut tight, parallel walls or floors quite easily. 

2). Diesel Powered Floor Sawing

With diesel-powered floor sawing, you will be able to cut reinforced concrete (or even asphalt) with clean and straight cuts that are up to 500 mm in depth. 

This method of floor sawing can cut per linear metre to separate or straighten rough areas of concrete slabs. It may also be used to cut the perimeter of openings and the internal area into sections, which can then be lifted out and removed. 

Expansion joints can also be formed in new concrete floors, with cuts that can have widths of 3 mm to 20 mm.

3). Powered Floor Sawing

This method of sawing makes use of powerful electrical floor saws. These saws are primarily used for internal cutting works. 

Powered floor sawing is ideal for protected spaces such as hospitals, chemical or food production facilities, or populated areas such as offices or shopping centres. 

Can Continuous Reinforcement Concrete Slabs Be Cut

Who Can Cut Reinforced Concrete?

While it is possible for you to handle minor cutting jobs, it is always best to leave major concrete cutting jobs such as reinforced concrete cutting to the professionals.

This is attributed to a variety of reasons, the main ones being that they have both the expertise and skill of cutting all kinds of concrete.

Professionals also have knowledge of what types of tools and equipment are best for both cutting reinforced concrete itself and the type of cut you are looking for.

As such, it is always important to leave major jobs such as this to the professionals to avoid dangers, hazards, and unwanted consequences in the future. 

Final Thoughts

Cutting reinforced concrete is considered a major job but it is not impossible. There are various methods and tools that can be used in order to fulfil this job.

However, it is always best to seek a professional service to cut reinforced concrete for you. If you need a concrete cutting service, please call us today at MEGASAW.

We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or leave an inquiry.

How Do You Stop Newly Poured Concrete From Cracking?

Concrete cracks are a relatively normal occurrence; however, they are quite preventable. There are various steps that you can take in the very beginning to prevent any unsightly concrete cracks from occurring in the future.

If you want to learn more about how to prevent concrete from cracking, then please keep on reading below. 

Why Does Concrete Crack?

It is important to understand why concrete cracks in the first place. 

Concrete can crack due to a number of reasons. A common reason is known as drying shrinkage. When concrete is in its plastic state, it is also at its largest volume. Once the concrete starts to set and harden, it begins to shrink. On average, concrete can shrink ⅛ inch for every twenty feet.

Concrete has both compressive strength and lower tensile strength. If the internal tensile stresses become greater than the tensile strength then a crack may develop.

Excess water in the concrete mix can also increase the chances of cracking. This is because it can evaporate from the concrete and increase the probability of shrinkage. 

Poor subgrade preparation can also lead to concrete cracks. It is important that the subgrade is smooth, uniform, and has positive drainage. A smooth subgrade can reduce restraints once the concrete shrinks, hence reducing the chances of cracking.

Improper curing is another crucial reason why concrete cracks. Curing maintains concrete moisture by preventing rapid loss. If concrete loses moisture, it will shrink faster, causing what is called map cracking. 

While map cracking does not affect the concrete’s structural integrity, it can affect the concrete’s aesthetics. Lack of curing is especially dangerous for concrete cracking. As such, it is important to actively cure concrete beforehand to prevent defects such as map cracking and scaling.

Preventing Concrete Cracks

There are many steps you can take to avoid your newly poured concrete from cracking. Here are just a few of them:

1). Properly Cure The Concrete

Concrete takes 28 days to completely cure, and so the steps you take in the first few days are crucial for a strong and crack-free concrete surface.

Cement cures slowly and needs moisture retention to be strong. Concrete will be less likely to crack if the moisture slowly evaporates. As such it is important to spray the concrete with water a few times each for the first week. This is because the hotter and drier the weather, the faster moisture can evaporate and the more likely you will get cracks.

2). Introduce Control Joints

Curing is an important precaution, but even large slabs can crack due to shrinkage from temperature changes and water used in the hydration process.

The natural movement of the soil underneath the concrete can make the concrete slabs crack. With control joints, you can create intentional weak spots cut into the slab. 

Control joints are made by cutting a quarter of the concrete slab’s depth to anticipate the possibility of future cracks. Essentially, introducing control joints is to gamble on the odds that cracks can happen in these weak parts.

How Stop Newly Poured Concrete Cracking

3). Mix In The Right Amount Of Water

Adding too much water is a common mistake when it comes to concrete mixing. This can lead to weak concrete and higher chances of cracking.

Therefore, to avoid cracking ensure that you add in the right amount of water. Wet concrete should be thoroughly saturated but not watery. Make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before mixing concrete. 

4). Compact The Base

Before pouring your concrete, it is important that the base you pour it on is compact. If the base beneath the concrete is not compact, it can settle and create a void underneath the concrete slab. This, of course, can lead to cracking.

Gravel is usually the best type of fill. Try not to dig out more soil that is necessary. You should lay out a few inches of gravel and ensure that you do not dig too far into the soil before laying it out. 

How Stop Newly Poured Concrete Cracking

5). Add Steel Reinforcements

Concrete can be stronger when you add steel reinforcements. If you are constructing patios or footpaths, you can add rebar in a grid pattern that has bars two feet apart from each other and sitting halfway through the slab. 

There are also alternatives to rebar or wire mesh depending on your concrete project. However, make sure that the reinforcing material you are using is located in the centre of the concrete, or ensure that it is not visible once the project is complete.


There are several reasons why concrete will be prone to cracking; however, these reasons are easily avoidable as long as you take the proper steps. 

When it comes to concrete cutting, if you need concrete cutting performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW.

We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or leave an inquiry.

Treating Tree Roots Under Concrete Footpaths

Have you ever wondered how tree roots can be removed from concrete? It is not uncommon for tree roots to grow under concrete. This is particularly common for footpaths or trees growing in concrete plazas.

However, there are different ways that tree roots can be cut out from concrete. This is done to prevent any further damage they may be causing to the concrete. 

If you want to learn more about how to treat tree roots under concrete footpaths, then please keep on reading.

Tree Root Invasions

As previously mentioned, it is not uncommon for tree roots to grow under concrete. While tree roots rarely cause major damage to foundations, they can create other signs of damage. These include:

  • Cracks in the foundations of your floor. 
  • Vertical cracks in the foundations of your wall.
  • Cracked or shattered windows. Often, there is no other evidence of trauma.
  • Uneven window and door frames.
  • Buckling on the surface of your floor.

Other factors such as erosion of soil under your home are also particularly noticeable. Tree roots can even reach your plumbing by slowing the flow of the drains or worse still,  completely clogging them up. This can create changes in the water pressure and overall damage to your underground pipes.

Tree roots affecting footpaths is another common problem. This can cause problems such as creating cracks or bumps across the concrete and buckling in the concrete’s surface, creating safety hazards for pedestrians. 

Because of this, concrete cutting is an important job to help remedy these various issues. In fact, there is actually more than one option when it comes to cutting out a root that is under concrete.

Treating Tree Roots Under Concrete Footpaths

Treating Roots Under Concrete

There are different ways of treating concrete embedded tree roots depending on what the issue is. Particularly for footpath issues, there are various techniques you can perform.

One technique is known as shaving. Tree roots are capable of lifting concrete slabs. To remedy this, you can shave down the slabs multiple times until the sidewalk thickness cannot support the weight of pedestrians. This is an inexpensive technique and is commonly used first to even out buckled and cracked footpaths. 

Another method of shaving is by using asphalt to level the uneven sections of the footpath. However, using asphalt on a concrete footpath is not very aesthetic.

Slabjacking is also another method to consider. This involves putting concrete under high pressure so that the lower side of a lifted slab causes the slab to lift upward and become level with the lifted section of the adjacent slab. 

Placing the footpath over a geogrid and gravel base is an alternative as well. This is done by placing a geogrid mesh on top of the roots then covering it with gravel and finally pouring concrete on top. This method has become particularly popular and common in recent years.

Similarly, using reinforced concrete is another way to treat trees under concrete. This is done by using rebar or wire mesh before re-pouring concrete slabs. 

Using thicker concrete, particularly 4 to 6 inches, is also common to ensure that the footpath does not break or lift. For best results, this is used in conjunction with the reinforced concrete method as previously shared above. 

Treating Tree Roots Under Concrete Footpaths 2

It is important to note that while there are options to cut the roots of the trees, this is often not encouraged unless you plan to remove the whole tree itself. This is because cutting out the roots will render the tree unstable and prone to causing more harm than good in the long run. 

As such, other methods as discussed here are more recommended to perform if ever a tree encroaches on concrete.


There are various methods and techniques you can perform for tree roots that are embedded under concrete footpaths. Most of these techniques involve levelling off uneven concrete slabs or simply reinforcing it with layers and thicker concrete.

Generally, it is not recommended to cut tree roots since this will make the tree unstable and potentially cause further hazards in the future.

As such, it is important to consult with a skilled and experienced professional who will be able to provide advice on how to fix concrete sidewalks affected by tree roots.

If you need concrete sawing performed safely and reliably, be it commercial or residential, please call us at MEGASAW.

We have over 20 years of experience providing quality concrete cutting services all over Melbourne. Our experience is your guarantee!

Please call us today on 1300 920 419 or leave an inquiry.

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